Sunday, August 4, 2013


We have had many many pounds of blackberries off of only two small plants! They have wicked thorns though; it's quite a challenge to get to them. Which is why the deer have missed out on them, I think...


 The bees are being lazy. We hope it's just because it's been so rainy, but we have put out some simple syrup for them just in case they need a little boost.

checking on the bees

 We have seen dozens and dozens of swallowtails (Tiger and Spicebush) on our Joe Pye Weed!

joe pye and swallowtails
joe pye and swallowtails

They are beautiful and more fun to watch than television. They are also all over the butterfly bush. In the future, I will plant those two things right outside my living room window or my front porch!

 Makin' music on the front "lawn":
makin' music

And here are some ants getting creative with a cracker, turning it into an ant hill! Aren't they tempted to eat their home? Or maybe I'm being silly, and they're just dismantling the thing so they can eat it later.
ants gettign creative

1 comment:

  1. Sweet baby. Blackberry looks so delicious. Homemade pet food is very effective for pet dog. I enjoyed to visit that site.
    Pet Food
