Sunday, April 28, 2013

Lime Plaster

2 shovels lime, 8 shovels sand
Hydrated type-s lime soaked in water: 2 parts.
Mortar sand: 8 parts.

halfway point of mixing

Halfway through and it still looks/feels like dry sand, so I'll add more water!

mixed lime plaster

Done mixing... I think I added a tiny bit more water after this, just because it was so much easier to apply when on the wet side.

plaster before it dries (right)

It took three batches that size to cover this portion, which is about 30% of a wall that is 12'x 12'x 12'. The plain straw area needs way more plaster than the straw covered by the chicken wire.

1 comment:

  1. Good job Giovanna! By the way, i wanted to ask you the ideology behind the name of the blog and the logo is really awesome. It's like it has a hidden meaning or something.
